Hi Scully,
That is a great idea! Why don't you try to develop it.
on thursday september 5th, we learned that a 20 year old jehovahs witness (jw) named collins stephens had died in an intensive care unit in little rock, arkansas.
for us, this tragedy is heightened by the knowledge that something as simple as a transfusion of red cells might well have saved collins life by allowing physicians to repair his damaged heart and aorta.. we know that collin was in an accident and that he survived for over ten days in a drug induced coma.
we know that physicians worked feverishly to keep him alive and build up his blood count.
Hi Scully,
That is a great idea! Why don't you try to develop it.
on thursday september 5th, we learned that a 20 year old jehovahs witness (jw) named collins stephens had died in an intensive care unit in little rock, arkansas.
for us, this tragedy is heightened by the knowledge that something as simple as a transfusion of red cells might well have saved collins life by allowing physicians to repair his damaged heart and aorta.. we know that collin was in an accident and that he survived for over ten days in a drug induced coma.
we know that physicians worked feverishly to keep him alive and build up his blood count.
Christian Observer wrote:
<The thought occurred to me that if Jehovah's Witnesses were placing literature there, maybe those concerned about this issue could place flyers outlining the current status of the blood policy and drawing attention to the AJWRB site, in hospital waiting rooms/doctors' and dental surgeries and on staff/student notice boards in hospitals and medical schools with the title: Do Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY abstain from blood?
Just a thought........>> heads off to draw up a draft...........>>may I use the colourful pie chart on the AJWRB site *pretty please* - complete with acknowledgement of the source?>
Yes you may - please send final copy to AJWRB before distributing.
on thursday september 5th, we learned that a 20 year old jehovahs witness (jw) named collins stephens had died in an intensive care unit in little rock, arkansas.
for us, this tragedy is heightened by the knowledge that something as simple as a transfusion of red cells might well have saved collins life by allowing physicians to repair his damaged heart and aorta.. we know that collin was in an accident and that he survived for over ten days in a drug induced coma.
we know that physicians worked feverishly to keep him alive and build up his blood count.
Nancee Park wrote:
<What do you do to make or raise funds? Bake sales or what if any? Do you send out letters asking for any funds? Contact foundations to request applications for free grant money? Sell "Im Memory Of..." tee-shirts? Sell a book about the problem?
What do you do for that?>
We do not have anyone to handle that for us. Are you volunteering?
on thursday september 5th, we learned that a 20 year old jehovahs witness (jw) named collins stephens had died in an intensive care unit in little rock, arkansas.
for us, this tragedy is heightened by the knowledge that something as simple as a transfusion of red cells might well have saved collins life by allowing physicians to repair his damaged heart and aorta.. we know that collin was in an accident and that he survived for over ten days in a drug induced coma.
we know that physicians worked feverishly to keep him alive and build up his blood count.
AJWRB is very much in need of funds to continue our work. We appreciate those who donate their time and those who donate their resources. We are a one issue group. We have no interest in WT doctrine beyond the blood issue. Our members are current JWs as well as inactive JWs, medical personel and concerned non JW family members.
I am unaware of any circumstance where a JW child has died and the family was celebrating or rejoicing over the sacrifice - perhaps some exist. In most JW families it is viewed as a tragic loss.I am personally an inactive JW. I walked away when I could no longer conscientiously support the policy. I can say from my own personal experience that the JWs I have spoke with in a crisis situation would likely not have discussed matters with me if I were disfellowshipped or disassociated. With few exceptions, those who are actively involved with AJWRB are not DF, or DA. Once that happens it becomes very difficult to reach out and try to help these young folks whose lives are hanging in the balance.
On the other hand, I understand why some chose to completely part company with the WTS by DA and we have some members who have been DF for taking a stand. I respect their choice and sacrifice.
on thursday september 5th, we learned that a 20 year old jehovahs witness (jw) named collins stephens had died in an intensive care unit in little rock, arkansas.
for us, this tragedy is heightened by the knowledge that something as simple as a transfusion of red cells might well have saved collins life by allowing physicians to repair his damaged heart and aorta.. we know that collin was in an accident and that he survived for over ten days in a drug induced coma.
we know that physicians worked feverishly to keep him alive and build up his blood count.
On Thursday September 5 th , we learned that a 20 year old Jehovahs Witness (JW) named Collins Stephens had died in an intensive care unit in Little Rock, Arkansas. For us, this tragedy is heightened by the knowledge that something as simple as a transfusion of red cells might well have saved Collins life by allowing physicians to repair his damaged heart and aorta.
We know that Collin was in an accident and that he survived for over ten days in a drug induced coma. We know that physicians worked feverishly to keep him alive and build up his blood count. We know that the Hospital Liasion Committee (HLC) and Hospital Information Services (HIS) were involved, and we believe that Collins father is a Jehovahs Witness (JW) elder.
We only learned of this situation a few days ago and we reacted as quickly as we could. A brother who still serves as an elder phoned the hospital I.C.U family waiting room and spoke with a man we believe was Collins father. As soon as the man understood the purpose the call, he hung up.
We contacted the doctor by phone and later faxed a letter to him. On Wednesday night, a decision was made to try and contact Collins mother. A letter was prepared was ready to fax to her at the hospital early on Thursday morning. Collin died around 3:30 a.m.
We were not as effective as the angel who intervened and prevented Abraham from sacrificing Issac. The level of frustration for those of us at AJWRB that work with these issues is only overshadowed by the grief of the families involved (both JW and non-JW) who have suffered such a devastating loss.
After having been involved in several of these situations, a few things have become apparent:
It is very important that physicians and other medical personnel be prepared to question the JW patients understanding of the issues and determine with a high degree of probability that the patients choice is autonomous and informed.
In cases where the patient is unconscious, the validity of the advance directive must be carefully ascertained. This is especially true when younger JWs are involved.
It is one thing to talk about what needs to happen and quite another to actually do it. We are under staffed and under funded we do what we can. If we were better at what we do, it is probable that fewer JWs would die. We have learned a great deal through this gut wrenching process. In the years to come, the WTS will find that medical personnel are better equipped to deal with irrational arguments proposed by JWs and appointed elders/HLC members. Additionally, it will become harder for the WTS to interfere in the doctor/patient relationship.
The introduction and eventual wide spread use of hemoglobin solutions like Polyheme and Hemopure are going to save the lives of many JWs. While we wait for these products to obtain FDA approval and then for the manufacturing process to gear up, JWs and their physicians continue to have very few effective options to cope with massive blood loss.
These comments are specifically directed to the Governing Body of Jehovahs Witnesses, HIS and all HLC members. I am not aware of whether or not hemoglobin solution was available in this case. It doesnt appear that it was. On the other hand, packed or washed red cells were available.
All of you know very well that a red blood cell is nothing more than a tiny doughnut shaped bag of hemoglobin it doesnt even have a nucleus! The red cell is 97% hemoglobin and 3% bag (membrane).
It is my opinion (and I think I speak for the vast majority of brothers, sisters, physicians, medical personnel and concerned non-JW family members associated with AJWRB) that for you to advise JWs that they may accept hemoglobin but not red cells demonstrates a depraved indifference for human life.
What possible ethical justification exists for you to sanction the use of animal blood (Hemopure bovine hemoglobin) and yet at the same time deny a desperately ill JW youngster the human based hemoglobin found in the red cell?
Your teachings and support of this policy result in the needless deaths of many JWs and their children. You are likely aware that approximately 2/3 of the children raised as JWs grow up and leave the WTS, so what does their death accomplish? Please extricate yourselves from the doctor/patient relationship and give JWs a free choice in their medial care.
A clock is ticking. Every JW whom you fail to make a full disclosure to regarding these issues and who is then coerced into rejecting transfusions of red cells moves you one step closer to legal action and potentially massive judgements against the organizations assets and your personal assets. Additionally, there is the potential for criminal prosecution in some jurisdictions. The world is watching and one-day Gods minister (Romans 13) may show up knocking at your door. Please stop and carefully evaluate the medical advice you freely dispense to every child that is born into a JW family especially when its clear that those of you who write the policies no longer have faith in the doctrine. How long will it be before memos and notes "leak out" showing the careful plan you are executing to slowly dismantle this death dealing policy?
When called upon, how you will explain why all of these people had to die because of your prohibition of a tiny membrane that accounts for 3% of a red cell? Additionally, what of the hundreds, perhaps thousands of JWs that have discontinued their chemotherapy because they were not permitted to accept the smallest of all blood components (platelets at 0.17%). An explanation may be demanded of you from God and Caesar. Moreover, these judicial hearings will not be some star chamber where you hold all the cards.
Wouldnt the course of wisdom be to simply revert to the pre 1961 policy on blood? Something like the following announcement (based on the format followed in the Watchtower of Dec. 15, 1952 p.764 when the ban of vaccination ended and the Watchtower of March 15, 1980 p.31 when the ban of organ transplants ended) could be made in Questions From Readers:
Q: Should congregation action be taken if a baptized Christian accepts a transfusion or injection of a blood product?
The transfusion of blood components or fractions is one for the individual that has to face to decide. The organization cannot afford to be drawn into the affair legally or take the responsibility for the way the case turns out. Objection to transfusion on Scriptural grounds is unclear since these products do not serve as food when transfused but rather as a cellular transplant. We merely offer the above information on request, but can assume no responsibility for the decision and course the reader may take.
(Suggestions from Dr. Muramotos article in the Journal of Medical Ethics - Bioethics of the refusal of blood by Jehovah's Witnesses: Part 3. A proposal for a don't-ask-don't-tell policy could be incorporated or used as an alternative)
See: http://www.ajwrb.org/jme/jmee.htm
Subsequent Questions From Readers could address related issues as necessary. This quick and simple approach would allow the organization to dispense with a huge potential liability and focus its resources on resolving the litigation surrounding the child abuse issues. I believe a failure to deal with the blood issue now will likely result in additional expensive litigation and large damage awards in the future.
This is simply the right thing to do and while it will be difficult and painful for some in the organization. It accomplishes many positive things:
The Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood, is a diverse group of Witnesses from over 25 countries, including elders and other organization officials, Hospital Liaison Committee members, doctors and members of the general public. All have volunteered their time and energies in an effort to bring about an end to a tragic and misguided policy that has claimed thousands of lives, many of them children.Website: http://www.ajwrb.org Email: [email protected] support our educational work, send your contribution to:AJWRB - P.O. Box 190089 - Boise, ID 83719-0089 U.S.A.
we have an emergency situation developing in little rock arkansas.
if you are nearby.
and are familiar enough with the blood policy and willing to help, please contact.
We have an emergency situation developing in Little Rock Arkansas. If you are nearby
and are familiar enough with the blood policy and willing to help, please contact
me asap. Perhaps we can help save the life of a young JW who needs surgery
to repair his Aorta.
ethics panel discusses blood policy of watchtower bible & tract society and jehovah's witnesses refusing lifesaving treatment .
the oncologist journal of august 2002 contains an interesting discussion between a panel of medical professionals on the subject of jehovah's witnesses refusing blood therapies.. this article focuses on a witness woman who refused some blood therapies but was convinced by her congregation elders that it was okay to accept bovine hemoglobin therapy.
realizing the glaring inconsistency of bovine hemoglobin being acceptable in the face of prohibiting other blood therapies like red cell infusion, one physician said,.
This nurse has a very good feel for the role of elders in the hospital. Quoting a paragraph from the article:
"Another important aspect of this case had to do with the congregationand the elders. They would come in, especially during her lastadmission, to visit her. We felt like they were checking upon her. They would come in to watch and to ask questions andto see what we were doing and to see what we were hanging. Ifwe went in and hung the bovine hemoglobin while they were there,she would say to them, "This isnt blood." She would haveto clarify what was being hung. We felt like we were being watchedto make sure that we were doing the right thing according totheir beliefs. When she went to the MICU, there was always someonethere, watching to make sure that no one would hang blood. Therewas a lack of trust. "
on friday night i watched a report by abc tv's john stossel (in the normal 20/20 time slot) that dealt with how humans are influenced by looks.
it was a re-broadcast, and even though this was the second time i've seen it it was still fascinating.
to demonstrate whether we are influenced by appearance, several scenarios were set up, involving people considered attractive and those considered more 'plain'.
Very interesting thread. I think we are naturally drawn to what is beautiful whether
we happen to be aware of it or not. I'm 6'2" and an average looking man but ended
up with a gorgeous wife. In fact, my friends are all good looking too. Luck of the draw
I suppose. I think JW men have a larger pool to select from then the average non dub.
One of our good looking female friends made an interesting point. She thinks that
one of the downsides to being very attractive is that it intimidates others at times
which can making forming relationships more challenging - probably especially
true in same sex friendships.
As a JW youngster I didn't give a hoot about looks - JW culture. Dress and grooming
were always a priority. However, when I met the lovely creature that was to become
my wife, she was so beautiful I fell in love when I laid eyes on her.
i was thinking today ( as i have many times) of those days in the jw world.
over and over i now find it incredible that i could have thought that shunning was "good", that the door to door work was "productive", that to plan on allowing my child to die rather than to take blood was "god's will", that "worldly" people cannot know god, etc.
etc.. it all seemed right, it all seemed good, it all seemed god approved.
Unfortunately, we are always making choices with limited information. We do the best we can.
I think its important to educate yourself and consider both sides of an issue. Something JWs
rarely do. It's also not a bad idea to maintain a healthy dose of skepticism - it will serve you well
most of the time.
there are so many horror stories about elders.
many people dislike or can't stand elders, in general.
a number here have been truly hurt by some.
I've seen elders run the whole spectrum from being extremely helpful, kind and resourceful to others who were mean spirited and stupid. In my view, the trend strongly favors the latter description.